Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Battle of Thermopylae

Here are some videos from You Tube about The Battle of Thermoylae, what the movie '300' that just came out on video is about. For those of you that have heard that this movie is nothing but blood and guts, just go out there and see it, for you will see that it is more than just violence. It tells an amazing story about the Spartans who loved their freedom and their country so much that they did not care how many enemys were staring them in the face. Very inspiring story. I would like to go to Greece now and see where this battle took place around 480 BC.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Hope you enjoyed the videos as much as I did, especially after watching 300.


T-girl said...

Hey where have you been? You disappeared, then I disappeared, then well...

So, how is life? Just stopping in to say hi and thinking of you!

NB Warrior said...

hey chica! Long time no talk. I know my blog has been neglected for a while, sorry about that. =)

I keep checking in on you from time to time so don't think I forgot about you. ;o)