Saturday, April 07, 2007

CAST (Catch A Special Thrill) Fishing Day

Today we had the pleasure to be treated to a fishing day out at Lake Pleasant. Isabella and David were out on the boat for a couple of hours and unfortunately, they didn't catch anything, but they did have A LOT of fun together! Here are a couple of pictures from today.

Here is a picture of Little Charrito while we were wating for Bella and Daddy to come back.


T-girl said...

Oh she is looking so grown up! :( SO cute! I remember going fishing with my Dad as a kid also, it was so much fun!

Looks like you and little man got along just fine without them too! He is really too cute also... you should have another one since you make such cute ones! ;) WHAT? I am tired of people saying it to me, so I am just passing these little comments along to others who may appreciate them! LMAO

Hugs and Happy Easter- T

Lisa said...

I check in as often as i can and we appricate you checking in on Eden..

Stay in good health.

Lisa Adams

Dr. J said...

So nice to see everybody sunny and happy. I finish work for the summer in 3 weeks and it's almost like holding my breath.