Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Did Tinkerbell Fart?

Check out the look on Isabella's face!!


T-girl said...

OH! MY! Lord! She has this look like "this is THE corniest thing I will EVER do In my ENTIRE life!" LMAO It is such a cute shot though, that is pretty neat. I LOVE her costume, vera cute!

T-girl said...

I forgot to say... that is a look you should get use too because you KNOW in a few years you will be seeing it a LOT, mostly when you say something- you know because her mother will could not ever possibly know ANYTHING about ANYTHING and it like totally lame! LOL Just remember this day when you thought it was cute. ROTFL Sigh, I TOLD my hubby NO GIRLS, and he agree, all because of the age 15... I remember it and I don't think I should have to deal with it... agian... from my mom's angle, I think their may be some revenge coming my way... I told him and he DID. NOT. LISTIN! ;)

Scottsdale Girl said...

We just missed the eyeroll didn't we?

Jennboree said...

THAT is classic. Something to bring out on her wedding day :)