Monday, February 05, 2007

What is your favorite commercial?

Hey guys! I thought I would post some of my favorite commercials from Sunday's game. Sorry that there isn't much to report yet. We are all STILL sick. I just wish I would start feeling better....

Here are my favorite :


T-girl said...

I liked the Kfed one also! OH and the old man one was great, coke had some neat ones this year! The one where the bottle travels through the machine was pretty cool, I just stared at it thinking... someone thought of this, incrediable! LOL I liked the Oprah/Letterman one also. And I think my favorite one was the Bud Light one where they pick up the dude with the Ax. THAT one just cracked me up beyond belief!

Knitty Yas said...

hands down the careerbuilder one where they are all running in the jungle and the guy screams "RUUUNNN!! They're lookin for volunteers for a training seminar!!" lol hahahah

corporate gauntlet. ;D

look! i finally was able to log on and post on your site!