Tuesday, January 09, 2007

4 MONTHS OLD and dx with Neurblastoma....

I just found this little girl's blog, here is the link to her site : Madelyn Bell's Status Page

I have also added her to the links on the left. Please go to her site and read her story. She is such a beautiful little girl and I am very very hopeful that she will be rid of this beast. The prognosis for children who are diagnosed before the age of one is very good. They usually have the highest survival percentage rate you can get with Neuroblastoma diagnosis.

Also make sure you read their "First Post". I've heard of so many stories of families getting the run around from doctors on what is going on with their child before they actually get the diagnosis of Neuroblastoma. And in some cases it could have been diagnosed way earlier. I don't know how much earlier they could have diagnosed it in Madelyn's case because she is about 3 and 1/2 months old right now, so I must say they did a pretty good job in her case even though they did have to go through a couple of doctors to get to that point. = ) I am just thankful that they know it's there and now they have a plan.

Well, since I'm on the subject of Neuroblastoma.... Isabella has her scheduled MRI tomorrow, Wednesday and then she has the MIBG on Thursday and the Bone Scan on Monday. For those that don't know, the MIBG is a nuclear scan. They inject a small amount of nuclear medicine in her and the next day when they do the scan the injected materials will glow on the scan results. Here is a link to more information about MIBG : http://stokes.chop.edu/programs/maris/MIBG.pdf

We are very lucky that Isabella did not have to go through MIBG treatment which is VERY different than a MIBG scan. For the scan, there is minimal amounts of the nuclear 'stuff' (for lack of better word) given to her.

Please continue to pray for clean scans and a cancer free Isabella. =)

So to my fellow bloggers out there, I will not have access to a computer tomorrow until the evening. So when you don't hear from me during the day, don't get mad. =)

And just so everyone knows, we probably won't hear anything until next week about the results of these scans. I will DEFINITELY (not sure if I spelt that right) let everyone know the results as soon as I know them.

Until then....


T-girl said...

AWW... she is there every day but I will add an extra one for you all tomorrow!!!! ;) Happy... scanning! LOL Isn't it a pain to have to go through these "precautionary" steps when their is no need? ;) Least it is fairly painless to her, but it still has to be freaky, poor thing!

BIG Hugs- T

NB Warrior said...

You know, I don't really mind going. The hospital where we get her scans done at, I love the ladies in the POTC(Pediatric Outpatient Treatment Center). They are all soooo very sweet and I love seeing them. Now of course if I get to see them all the time then that means there is something wrong with Isabella. So as much as I like to see them, I don't want to. =) You know what I mean?

Today's scan turned out to be pretty rough for her. She's had a little bit of a head cold and it didn't seem too bad that they couldn't do the anesthesia for her 2 hour MRI. But come to find out, they had to stop the scan and suction her throat a couple times and then when she started to wake up she threw up a little bit. So they decided that they are going to try her MIBG scan tomorrow without anesthesia. Which is nice because there are always risks when you go under.

Thank you for keeping her in your prayers. We are hoping for good results