Sunday, December 31, 2006


I just wanted to post a couple cute pictures of Charrito sleeping in his highchair today.

We tried peas this morning and he literally started to gag! I don't think he liked those too much! hehehe Well, we'll keep trying because he will be eating Peas all week.

I started to vacuum this morning and he was sitting in his highchair playing with his toys and when I looked over I thought I saw him dozing off. Then I looked back again and this is how he looked! He slept there for about 20 minutes until he woke up and then I tried putting him in his swing and hoped he'd go back to sleep. But nope, he did not. So David took him to his crib which I think he hates because he will always scream himself to sleep there.

I still nurse him, but I don't want him to get used to needing me to go to sleep and lately he just sucks for like 10 seconds and then pulls himself off and pushes himself up in the bed and then he continues the latch on and off routine until I get tired of it and put him in his swing. He will be 6 months old in January and I want to try to work with getting him to sleep throughout the night soon. I remember starting it with Isabella when she was either 7 or 8 months old. So I'm not sure if he's ready yet. But I'll discuss it with his pediatrician at his 6 month check-up.

Here is a picture of miss Isabella playing with her really cool Christmas present from her Grandma. It's called a kid tough digital camera. It has two holes to look through for the view finder because little kids don't always understand the idea of having to close one eye and use the other eye to look through the view finder. You can see the pictures on a little LCD screen on the back of the camera. It doesn't require a memory card to hold like 70 pictures, but if you want to hold more than that you can put a memory card in it. The picture quality isn't all that great, but it's enough for a 4 year old! =) Here are some of the pictures our budding photographer took:

She's getting pretty good at centering her objects in the picture. Thank you for the gift mom!! =)

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!! Here comes 2007!


T-girl said...

For a kids camera that takes pretty good picts, I would expect them to be all grainy AND... she has a good eye! Very impressive for a little tyke!

Aw, sleeping at the highchair... so adorable! Well if it makes you feel better Joci LOVED all friuts, veggies ect as a little one and now... now she is ok with fruits but veggies... screw that she says! LOL What to do? I just ignore it and keep serving them. Eventually she will get over it until then I just worry in silence!

Should I meantion Joci slept through the night at... 0? Seriously from the start at least 5 hours! It was super! LOL She however can NOT sleep without me... I am her pacifier! :( REFUSES to sleep in her crib still and well... I am a bad, bad Mommy! I justify it by saying, "she is only little once and in a few years she will not want ANYTHING to do with me so enjoy it while I can!" LOL Part of my New Years resolutions is to get her in her own bed so I can have another baby! LOL

Dr. J said...

Okay, I don't think you could have gotten a cuter pic of Mini D. That's one to save, frame, and show his girlfriend right before the prom! (J/k).

BTW, I just typed "girlfried" so I think it's time for bed! So exhausted all the time...

Hope your 2007 has started well.

NB Warrior said...

T - Don't even say that you are a bad mommy! We had Isabella sleeping with us until she was about 8 months old. Then we transitioned her to her own crib, then when she was diagnosed and she was in the hospital alot, we started sleeping in the bed with her at the hospital just to be close to her. So now she's back in our bed. But she's been wanting to sleep in her own room lately so we bought her a new comforter and sheets and tried to make it as inviting as possible. But I miss her terribly and worry about her all night!! =)

As for little David, he has now slept through the night for two nights in a row now! WOW! I don't know what to say except I am feeling much more refreshed in the mornings again! =)

You know what's funny? Little David chomps down on the Peas at daycare, but with me, he just spits them right back out. I wonder why???

KING'S MAMA - Oh yeah, that's one that will be saved. If not for his girlfriend someday, for his friends too! hehehe I'm going to be a mean mommy. ;-)

louann said...

cute cute pictures of the little one =)
i also read your entries regarding your daughter's battle. you've got great strength and i admire you for that. is she in remission ?